Kitchen Sink

What we’ve helped clients achieve

By partnering with Waterscan and taking leadership on water management, overall our hospitality and leisure customers…


Received a total of £708,268 in refunds in 2022, largely due to incorrect billing which was highlighted during our validation processes.

Are saving a total of £1,288,000 in ongoing savings in 2022. This is achieved through accurate and clear data, leak identification and early repairs.


Have saved a total of 369,717m3 of water consumption in 2022.

What we’ve helped clients achieve

Identify consumption anomalies and variance against best practice benchmarks requiring action.

Access to near real time data, delivering confidence in analysis and insight to enable effective decision-making.

Resolution of supplier liabilities, reducing the financial impact against full liability.

Optimise cost and process in trade effluent compliance.

Featured Insights

  • Blog image - The rise of rising block tariffs  
  • Blog image - Universities Sector Report
  • Water Matters 2024
  • Blog - Chris Hines MBE on taking action towards reducing water risk
  • Blog image - The water market moves forward
  • Waterline desktop image
  • Blog - Smart water meters: A 3 minute guide - Hero image
  • Blog image - People & Planet University League
  • Blog - Working Together - Hero image - Waterscan
  • Blog - Breeze through the freeze - UK Freeze/Thaw
  • Blog - Ofwat’s annual market review, reviewed - Hero image
  • Water Journey - BT’s Journey to Water Self-Supply
  • Blog image - SS Users Briefing Autumn 2023
  • Blog - Moving forward after World Water Week 2023
  • Blog-image-Pub-and-Restaurant-Sector-Report-1
  • Blog image - Hotel and Leisure Sector Report
  • Blog image - 10 Reasons why water will increasingly dominate the sustainability agenda
  • Blog image - 10 steps to Water Resilience
  • Blog - World Water Week 2023 - Waterscan - Day 3 Focus Session
  • Blog - World Water Week 2023 - Waterscan - Day 2 Daily Wrap
  • Blog - World Water Week Waterscan Joins in Turning the Tides of Change - Hero image 2
  • Blog image - Why act now The business case for water action
  • Blog image - 5 Steps to start measuring and reporting on water
  • Blog - Water Matters 2023 Inspiring action on water resilience - Hero image 2
  • Blog image - Manufacturing Sector Report
  • Blog image - Instant Expert - SDG6
  • Blog - Countdown to cost increases
  • Blog - Are ideas drying up - Self-Supply Users Forum
  • Blog image - Instant Expert - Defra Environmental Targets
  • Blog-Acting-on-water-is-acting-on-net-zero
  • Blog - Autumn 2022 Self-Supply Users Forum - Efficiency leads Self-Supply users forum discussion
  • Blog - A watershed moment - UN Sustainable Development Goal
  • Blog - Summer 2022 Self-Supply Users Forum - Transition time
  • Blog - TCFD a welcome tide of change
  • Blog - BT saves £1 million on water - Self-Supply
  • Blog - Arla acts on water efficiency as it moooves to self-supply
  • Blog - David Lloyd Leisure takes the lead on water efficiency - Self-Supply
  • Blog - Sefton Council elects to Self-Supply water
  • Blog - John Lewis PLC first in retail sector to apply for Self-Supply licence
  • Water Journey - Greene King Self-Supply success
  • Coca-Cola - Self-Supply Licence