Contact us

Talk to a water expert

Start your journey towards sustainable water management today.

To discuss your business needs and how we can help you achieve your goals, please use the contact form below, call us on 01243 839 880, or email

If you have a specific water retail query and you’re a retail customer of Waterscan, you can contact us directly on

Complete the form below and we will be in touch shortly to answer your enquiry.

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Emergency contacts

Are you dealing with a loss of supply, issues with the colour or taste of your water, sewer flooding or any other public health risk?

Contact your wholesaler directly using the contact list below



Dominican House
St John’s St
West Sussex
PO19 1TU

T: (01243) 839 880


Unit 21 Century Park Network Centre
Dearne Lane
S63 5DE

T: (01709) 878 578