
Achieving measurable outcomes

With all the insight we need, we can now take charge of your water consumption and cost, tackle wastage and ensure that the water market is working for you. 

Our team will work with you to ensure that all meters are read and are working efficiently, resolve billing issues, fix costly leaks, and implement efficiency measures. This is where we really start making a difference and are on the path to continual improvement. 

What to expect

Control over a business-critical resource.

Confident procurement of water services based on sound data insight.

Engaging with the water market in a way that delivers best value and a pathway to achieving agreed targets.

Active, expert account management to track key metrics and accelerate progress.

Policies, operational practices and growth plans that reflect best practice water management.

Saving costs, both direct and through administrative efficiency.

Implement new technologies and/or behaviour change to improve efficiencies.

Compliance with increasing regulatory demands.

Engagement with stakeholders to ensure common understanding.

Resilience to environmental and climate risks to your business.

Journey stage milestones achieved

Why it’s essential

Our proactive approach to managing water works on every level so that you have the foresight to manage risk effectively, stay open for business and create a water-resilient future.

Unlike other utilities, water requires constant management. Leaky taps and meter failures can occur at any time at any site. However, instances like this needn’t derail progress towards water efficiency – they are easily resolved if spotted quickly. Less easy to manage are external climate and environmental factors which can lead to flooding or supply interruptions and result in temporary site closures and unplanned costs.

Featured Insights

  • Blog image - The rise of rising block tariffs  
  • Waterline desktop image
  • Blog - Breeze through the freeze - UK Freeze/Thaw
  • Blog - Ofwat’s annual market review, reviewed - Hero image
  • Water Journey - BT’s Journey to Water Self-Supply
  • Blog - Countdown to cost increases
  • Blog - Autumn 2022 Self-Supply Users Forum - Efficiency leads Self-Supply users forum discussion
  • Blog - BT saves £1 million on water - Self-Supply
  • Blog - Arla acts on water efficiency as it moooves to self-supply
  • Blog - David Lloyd Leisure takes the lead on water efficiency - Self-Supply
  • Blog - Sefton Council elects to Self-Supply water
  • Blog - John Lewis PLC first in retail sector to apply for Self-Supply licence
  • Water Journey - Greene King Self-Supply success
  • Coca-Cola - Self-Supply Licence

What happens next?

With water under control,
it’s time to make things happen.

Get in touch with one of our experts now.