Addressing water scarcity in the Hospitality sector

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As highlighted by Will Silverwood, Head of Sustainability at long-term Waterscan customer Whitbread, this challenge is particularly pressing for industries heavily reliant on water, such as hospitality. At Waterscan, we are committed to supporting businesses in navigating these water management challenges effectively. Here’s an overview of how we can help the hospitality sector address water stress in the UK and enhance sustainability.

The urgent need for effective water management

The hospitality industry’s extensive water use — from guest services to operational needs — makes it vulnerable to the impacts of water stress. By adopting effective water management practices, hotels can contribute to essential environmental conservation, whilst at the same time delivering improved business performance. Waterscan has extensive experience of the sector which gives us the ability to tailor consumption reviews against seasonal variation, occupancy data, or the mix of business versus leisure guests. We understand the challenges the hospitality sector face in maintaining a high level of guest experience, while juggling the need to reduce usage.

By prioritising water efficiency, hotels can contribute to resource conservation and realise significant cost savings and operational efficiencies. Also, by adopting transparent water impact disclosures, we can drive accountability and progress across the sector.¹

Will Silverwood, Head of Sustainability at Whitbread

How Waterscan supports water management

  1. Comprehensive risk mapping
    • Our risk mapping approach involves integrating data from AMI (advanced metering infrastructure) with external factors like water stress and population density. This multi-dimensional analysis helps businesses understand their specific water risks and develop tailored strategies for improvement.
  1. Advanced metering and leak detection
    • AMI technology is essential for early leak detection and efficient water management. Our expertise in this field enables hotels to promptly identify and address leaks, thereby minimising water loss and associated costs. This proactive approach ensures that water resources are used more efficiently, contributing to both environmental and financial benefits.
  2. Implementation of innovative technologies
    • We support the trial and implementation of cutting-edge water-saving technologies. By testing and integrating such solutions, hotels can achieve substantial water efficiency gains. This not only reduces water consumption but also decreases energy use for heating water, thereby lowering carbon emissions.
  3. Setting and achieving water efficiency goals
    • Helping businesses set clear water efficiency targets is a key part of our service. For example, Whitbread’s success in being halfway to delivering its target of reducing water consumption by 20% per sleeper by 2030 was achieved with our assistance. We work closely with hotels to establish and meet their own sustainability goals, driving progress towards a more sustainable future.
  4. Supporting water impact disclosure
    • Transparency in water management is crucial. We assist businesses in collecting and reporting data on water impacts in line with international standards like CDP and TCFD. This commitment to transparent reporting enhances credibility and contributes to broader industry efforts to address water-related risks.

Practical measures for the Hospitality sector

  • Install water-efficient fixtures: Implementing low-flow fixtures such as showerheads, taps, and toilets can lead to significant reductions in water use. While there is an initial investment, the long-term savings in water and energy costs are substantial.
  • Encourage sustainable guest practices: Initiatives like encouraging towel re-use if staying multiple nights to cut down on laundry requirements, bottle refill stations and promoting showers over baths can help guests make more water-conscious choices.
  • Adopt transparent reporting: Regularly disclosing water impacts helps track progress, identify areas for improvement, and demonstrate a commitment to sustainability.


As the water crisis becomes more pressing, the hospitality sector must take decisive action to manage water use effectively. Waterscan’s expertise in water audits, AMI, innovative technologies, and data reporting provides a robust framework for developing and implementing successful water management strategies. By prioritising efficiency and transparency, hotels can be more sustainable and achieve financial savings simultaneously. We are dedicated to ensuring that our customers are well-equipped to face the challenges of water stress and move towards a more sustainable water future.

The hospitality industry plays a critical role in addressing water-related environmental concerns, and in the UK, the sector is already facing increasing challenges around water stress. As an industry, we must join forces to conserve water and act with a sustainable future in mind.¹

Will Silverwood, Head of Sustainability at Whitbread

Read Will Silverwood’s full article at


1 – Turning the tide towards more sustainable water use in hotels – edie

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