Business continuity and operational resilience

Business continuity and operational resilience

Water Matters 2024 Report

Water Matters 2024 Report

Water Matters 2024 supported non-household water users in working towards a more resilient, sustainable water future, bringing together experts and influencers alike to discuss some of the biggest challenges being faced in the UK.
The rise of rising block tariffs  

The rise of rising block tariffs  

Businesses and organisations that consume large volumes of water could soon see their bills rise dramatically with the introduction of a range of new pricing structures.
Whitbread’s Water Journey

Whitbread’s Water Journey

Sustainability credentials are playing a growing role in the choices made by consumers. Few companies have integrated water management into their sustainability agendas, let alone considered the link between water and carbon emissions.  For Whitbread, a clear strategic direction that captures all water-related impacts and establishes targets for water and carbon emission reductions was the … Read more
Water matters: Insights for the UK’s universities sector

Water matters: Insights for the UK’s universities sector

What would happen if there was a shortage of water across your campus? Within a couple of hours, facilities and administrative teams are under pressure to find solutions.
The water market moves forward

The water market moves forward

The Self-Supply community convened for its Spring Briefing on 7th March, welcoming speakers from market regulator Ofwat and market operator MOSL.
Setting new standards in water management

Setting new standards in water management

In anticipation of future customer needs, Waterscan is pleased to announce the launch of its next level water management platform, Waterline.
BT’s water journey

BT’s water journey

With a large, complex property portfolio, BT partnered with Waterscan to improve its water management processes.
Self-Supply Users Forum: Reflections and opportunities

Self-Supply Users Forum: Reflections and opportunities

On 7th December, Waterscan hosted a meeting for Self-Supply companies to reflect on developments across the market over the past year and look ahead to how the sector plans to develop its approach in 2024.
Breeze through the freeze

Breeze through the freeze

How to mitigate your freeze / thaw risks this Winter.
Water strategy for universities: a path to sustainability

Water strategy for universities: a path to sustainability

In a world where water scarcity is intensifying, the UK’s universities have a crucial role to play.